The old days – My TypePad Blog

  I had some the other day say that I had not been logging as long as I say.
The other day I just happen to get a link to an old post on TypePad.  I used TypePad as my blog hosting site from 2003 until 2012.  
  I used TypePad for a lot of years but it was not my first blogging site.  Well, the first blogging site was my bulletin board system in 1982!

God, I been doing this a long long time.  No wonder I am so tired.

ShowMeVideo 001 – 09/21/2017

This the first video on this site having WordPress as the hosting site.  I am using their video hosting service.  So this is a test.  One problem I see is that this one video uses 3.4% of the 13 GB I am allowed with my plan with them.
The next upload of a video I will just upload to YouTube and then use the YouTube URL.  But, I suspect that WP will import the video from that URL and then store it here.  We will see what happens.